Friday, March 19, 2010

apartment cure

i am doing the 8 week apartment cure on apartment therapy because i have crazy panic attacks when we have people over.  so, this is my therapy!

mike's out of town running his first half marathon, and i'm in town doing the cure.  here's my agenda:

1.  for the front hallway, i am going to print this pic from the nyc public library (it's copyright safe to print) and get it framed.  i think it will go nicely below my ugly painting.

2. then, i must get this samantha french painting as soon as possible and put it in our bedroom.  i think this swimmer will like being paired with my italian bicyclist.

3.  i need to get my headboard covered in the same gray dupioni silk that the curtains are in.  there is a woman on ebay who does it affordably. i keep putting it off, but why?

4.  i still can't stop thinking about the RAR rocker.  will it be too much in the living room??

i also really love this painting, but it is a little too expensive.  but, it is amazing.

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